Jekyll and GitHub Pages

Today I launched my blog. I used Jekyll and Github pages and it was pretty easy. Here are a few links that were really helpful in getting started.

I really recommend starting with this article. It’s nothing fancy, but it will get you up and running quickly.

Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages by Barry Clark

One thing to note that is not addressed in the article. Before you commit to your own GitHub repository you should blow away the forked commits. I just did a rm -fdr .git from the base directory and then git init and reset my remote repository.

Here is a very helpful markdown cheatsheet that will help with any pages you do in markdown(.md) files. Markdown Cheetsheet

Here is the kramdown quick reference kramdown

Since there isn’t a favicon.ico by default, Favicon Generator is a great place to get one. It allows you to download any icon from the Font Awesome set.

Written on December 28, 2016